Get lost in space at Kennedy Space Center
Kennedy Space Center Attractions:
Shuttle Launch Experience : This theme park style simulator features a life
size six story shuttle. As you walk throughout the shuttle you end up in the cock-pit
and about to take off. The experience begins when the engines ignite and you being
to lift off. Well…. Not really lift off but the simulator gives you the sensations
of having 10,000 gallons of rocket fuel ignite below you. Before the simulator you
walk through-out the shuttle and get to learn about the space program and listen
to testimonials from veteran astronauts as they set the stage for what the launch
feels like.
IMAX Space Films: One of only a few IMAX screens in Florida. Kennedy Space
Center has a 5 Story Movie theater that shows Space films like Hubble 3D and Space
Station 3D. O yeah, I forgot to mention that this IMAX Theater is also equipped
with 3D technology and a state of the art sounds system that pulls you into the
movie. Better yet this IMAX experience is included with general admission.
Astronaut Encounter: Have you ever wanted to ask an astronaut a question?
Wonder what it feels like in space from someone who has been there? Well, Astronaut
Encounter is your chance to ask. Daily veteran Astronauts take a stage and welcome
questions from all ages on all subjects space related. They will of course try to
answer as best they can. This is a one of a kind opportunity that can only be done
at Kennedy Space Center.

NASA Rockets: The Rocket Garden: Rocket Garden! Sign me up. This area of
the Kennedy Space Center houses historic rockets that took many astronauts into
space. The Garden is professionally lit to give a stunning and dramatic feel. With
bright white lights extending up right to light the body and dark red lights on
the engine it gives the feel that the rocks did the day they took off. The rest
of the garden is covered in a techno blue to give it a futuristic feel. A few of
the rockets are open to the public to give you an idea of how cramped the first
rockets were. There are also free tours that go through the garden daily at 10:30
AM and 4 PM.
Apollo / Sturn V Center: This center
is a memorial to the Apollo and Saturn V missions. It includes a real Saturn V rocket
that you can walk around and view all the detail and hard work that went into making
the rocket. There is also an Apollo treasure Gallery, here numerous things from
the Apollo missions are kept like Apollo 14 Commander Alan Shepard’s space suit.
Along with the commanders space suit are others from the Apollo missions. One interesting
piece of history is the check list from John Young’s Cuff on how to deploy the American
Flag in Space.
U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame: This exhibit is open daily from 12 to 6 pm and
is included with general admission if it Is used with 7 days of purchase. The Hall
of Fame is not on the Space Center’s property but 6 miles to the east on Merritt
Island. It houses the world’s largest collection of Personal memorabilia. It also
has a collection of simulators to give you a glimpse of space and see if you have
what it takes to be an astronaut. One such simulator is the G-Force Trainer, truly
a simple device you get strapped in then spun around very fast to experience G-Forces
greater than normal.